Thursday, 10 April 2008


Bismilahi Rahmani Raheem.

As-salaamu Alaikum wa rahmatulah wa barakatuhu.

Am new to this whole public blogging thing, i had a private blog a while ago but i guess am coming public now. Basically the aim of this blog is to share my day to day activities, some boring, some interesting, some sad..:( a muslimah going through so much but yet so little compared to still trying to find who i am, where i stand and everything else...also am using this blog to keep me up to date with what i want to do and so on. Insh Allah join me read my post, comment, give me suggestions, advice and trust me you will be answering so many questions for me if you can :)....OK i guess am blabbing now so I'll just be going to do some work, insh Allah i will be back SOON..x


Jana said...

Yo, fellow Londoner! I can't quite remember how I found your blog.. but I'm glad I did.. best of luck inshallah with all your exams, etc. I know how hard studying can be :(

Come and visit me over my blog, I hope you like it!



muslimah said...

jazakhAllah sister thanks for visiting...i live on ur blogg :), get all m trendy styles and shops from there..:)

Jana said...

Oooh I didn't realise hehe.. glad you like it :)

Jana said...

Btw you may be interested in adding your blog to the Islamic Blog Directory: