Bismilahi Rahmani Raheem,
As-salaam Alaikum Wa Rahmatulahi Wa Barakatuhu,
My perfect summer.... I really cant even remember my daydream anymore :(..seriously. I had it all perfectly planned by Fantasizing bout it in my head but now its all gone (I have been doing allot of maths maybe that's why!)..
OK basically I always wanted to learn Arabic since this time last year, when I decided to come back to Islam (practicing i mean), my point was so i can understand the Quran when i read it..well yeah last summer i got loads(OK maybe 2) books to learn Arabic but i got bored of teaching myself, then when i resumed fully for my 2ND year I applied to do Arabic, my dad obediently approved of it funny enough(b/c I never mentioned it ever and i called asking him to wire some money for me to apply)...we'll it wasn't meant to be after I got loads of advice from my Guru economic mates that it might affect my performance because if i fail Arabic it will pull down my final result, obviously i ignored them (b/c they didn't know how much i wanted to learn). Well i did apply and the time table came out and guess what????? All the Arabic classes where clashing with my economic 1Ce, i did hustle with all my strength going up and down waiting hours to speak to the tutor so i can have my special 1 on 1 lesson (who did i think i was then...ha ha, daughter of the pioneer of the uni..loll) well obviously i didn't get to do my beloved Arabic course, but yea i still didn't lose hope, I signed up to do an online Arabic course with a teacher in Egypt twice a week meet via Skye (I know it sounds dodgy..loll) but yea I did sign up, but wow i could not handle the teacher he was SO impatient with me especially the fact that i do not understand any Arabic but he was so good mash Allah , but yeah i decided not to do it with him. Then finally i had 1 more option left, Wednesday night with a student form the Islamic society it was free as well, obviously i did go and i attended but it was slow plus she was a student so she really wasn't the best (may Allah reward her for her effort), I did learn a bit so i can say somethings and i understand allot (seriously, especially when i read the Quran {'_*}) but yeah that was for that we have the exam on Wednesday ha ha I'll let you know my result if i pass. so that was for that the whole story of my Arabic quest...but it all leads to my summer plan...
OK i found a school in Egypt with perfect timing for me to learn Classical intensive Arabic for the period of two months, the school is very good as it was recommended by someone reliable so am sure I'll be getting good out of it, though its very cheap but i trust in Allah ('_')...its for a period of two months and they also offer tajweed isn't that WONDERFUL seriously it will be a dream come true if by September i can speak Arabic and read the quran with melody, wow, you lot will see allot of me on you tube reciting the quran..(just kidding OB).
Now after the big dream I come back to reality, I haven't asked my dad, its a bit twisted because i did not tell him that i did not do the other Arabic course (and if i do now I'll look fraudulent for not mentioning it or returning him money)... I wrote down a long text message about 3-4 pages long( a week ago) and all i need to do is just click the send button, but really am just scared of hearing a NO! ohhh no it will just shatter my dreams... I have a feeling if he says yes i will defiantly get a first in my finals (though its Allah who will bless me with that, I'll put as much effort). Wow if he says no i haven't even got a plan B for the 4 months break... anyways that my summer dream and lot of you will think am kuku ha ha but that's just my short term goal because i believe it will open so many doors for me (understanding what am saying during prayers and having better kushoo, also easy to learn the dua's, and the recitation will be easier insh Allah).
After boring you lot with my plans is left for you to make du'a for me insh Allah that h says yes and also that it will be easy for me to cope and learn the language with good application and to also manage the Egyptian heat..:P, cant wait insh Allah
As-salaam Alaikum Wa Rahmatulahi Wa Barakatuhu,
My perfect summer.... I really cant even remember my daydream anymore :(..seriously. I had it all perfectly planned by Fantasizing bout it in my head but now its all gone (I have been doing allot of maths maybe that's why!)..
OK basically I always wanted to learn Arabic since this time last year, when I decided to come back to Islam (practicing i mean), my point was so i can understand the Quran when i read it..well yeah last summer i got loads(OK maybe 2) books to learn Arabic but i got bored of teaching myself, then when i resumed fully for my 2ND year I applied to do Arabic, my dad obediently approved of it funny enough(b/c I never mentioned it ever and i called asking him to wire some money for me to apply)...we'll it wasn't meant to be after I got loads of advice from my Guru economic mates that it might affect my performance because if i fail Arabic it will pull down my final result, obviously i ignored them (b/c they didn't know how much i wanted to learn). Well i did apply and the time table came out and guess what????? All the Arabic classes where clashing with my economic 1Ce, i did hustle with all my strength going up and down waiting hours to speak to the tutor so i can have my special 1 on 1 lesson (who did i think i was then...ha ha, daughter of the pioneer of the uni..loll) well obviously i didn't get to do my beloved Arabic course, but yea i still didn't lose hope, I signed up to do an online Arabic course with a teacher in Egypt twice a week meet via Skye (I know it sounds dodgy..loll) but yea I did sign up, but wow i could not handle the teacher he was SO impatient with me especially the fact that i do not understand any Arabic but he was so good mash Allah , but yeah i decided not to do it with him. Then finally i had 1 more option left, Wednesday night with a student form the Islamic society it was free as well, obviously i did go and i attended but it was slow plus she was a student so she really wasn't the best (may Allah reward her for her effort), I did learn a bit so i can say somethings and i understand allot (seriously, especially when i read the Quran {'_*}) but yeah that was for that we have the exam on Wednesday ha ha I'll let you know my result if i pass. so that was for that the whole story of my Arabic quest...but it all leads to my summer plan...
OK i found a school in Egypt with perfect timing for me to learn Classical intensive Arabic for the period of two months, the school is very good as it was recommended by someone reliable so am sure I'll be getting good out of it, though its very cheap but i trust in Allah ('_')...its for a period of two months and they also offer tajweed isn't that WONDERFUL seriously it will be a dream come true if by September i can speak Arabic and read the quran with melody, wow, you lot will see allot of me on you tube reciting the quran..(just kidding OB).
Now after the big dream I come back to reality, I haven't asked my dad, its a bit twisted because i did not tell him that i did not do the other Arabic course (and if i do now I'll look fraudulent for not mentioning it or returning him money)... I wrote down a long text message about 3-4 pages long( a week ago) and all i need to do is just click the send button, but really am just scared of hearing a NO! ohhh no it will just shatter my dreams... I have a feeling if he says yes i will defiantly get a first in my finals (though its Allah who will bless me with that, I'll put as much effort). Wow if he says no i haven't even got a plan B for the 4 months break... anyways that my summer dream and lot of you will think am kuku ha ha but that's just my short term goal because i believe it will open so many doors for me (understanding what am saying during prayers and having better kushoo, also easy to learn the dua's, and the recitation will be easier insh Allah).
After boring you lot with my plans is left for you to make du'a for me insh Allah that h says yes and also that it will be easy for me to cope and learn the language with good application and to also manage the Egyptian heat..:P, cant wait insh Allah
As salaamu alaikum sis,
Masha'allah,May Allah reward you for your strong desire to learn arabic.Insha'allah He will make a way for you!
I dont know a lick of arabic,except for a the most common words...I too would love to learn it....
Wa-alaikum salaam sis,
Jazakhala Khairan, may Allay reward you to inshAllah, and you will learn arabic soon InshAllah :)
If its written sis you will be there.. I dont think youre dad will be angry at you not takin the other course.. u couldnt get on and the money went on other useful things that you would have bugged him for money for anyways. Just hit that send button and let us know.. I await news, insha'allah u can teach me too :P fi amenallah
Wonderful to see the spirit. I too have the desires to learn Arabic, but work has taken a toil at me. *I had some basics though*. Insya'Allah, I'll start with it end of this year after re-aligning my priorities.
May your dad agree to it. :)
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