Bismulahi Rahmani Raheem,
As-salaam Alaikum wa rahmatulah wa barakatuhu,
what is the definition of emotions anybody??....OK i think am just gonna change topics now, its to deep for me to discuss because i cannot even make sense of it. some times you sacrifice things you desire for s better promise you believe to be true, you give up things that have been part of your life so you can get the promised one. you forsake people that have been there for you so you will get what you have promised. all this little sacrifices for the little worldly things will be you price for the everlasting hereafter(I.A).
sometimes when you really want something so bad, but you cant have it because it leads you to another part far away from the everlasting abode. Its sad sometimes when I sit and think why hurting for just this Little temporary things when you have been promised a better incomparable one. this is life, and it will end. all the worldly things will end, you too will come to an end someday, so why stress for the temporary, why go for a part time enjoyment when you have an alternative of an everlasting happiness, why oh why?
it is really hard sometimes to answer your own question addressed to yourself. sometimes you feel you are not doing the right thing but you just keep up with it because you are enjoying it. why spend all your hard earned money and labour for just the little things that do not last? you can have all the world but you will never be satisfied, the more you get the more you desire and the more miserable you get. then you don't we settle for the little we have and use our time to earn for the one that lasts for ever, the one where we will be very satisfied? indeed human are so irrational and imperfect. they think they know but little they know. everyday we have economist and pshycologist coming up with new theories for the world, but none of this are accurate NONE!! so why then don't we realise who we have to give credit to, why then haven't we realised ........OK i really have to run now am running late for the sisters circle, i might continue depending on how i really feel later...
p.s. Erm Am Kinna just blabbing to my self just in case it doesn't make any sense to you, my head was getting a lil bit too full of my imperfections and i wanted to just remind myself bout all that i mentioned...so pay no attention to it if you don't understand....
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